Morph-Morphosis, morph in Greek means forma, shape, appearance, morphosis means forming and shaping. This body of work developed from contemplating the nature of forms in-forming, an inquiry upon origin.
Forming is the act of ordering matter as matter informs the form.
In installation, I’m interested in the interactions of various parts in space, creating a totality or being a totality in themselves as a part. The work in ceramics initially departed from fractals and geometry, and in its development, it became fragmented.
In painting, I’m interested in overlapping layers, signs, gestures, and forms to create spaces perceiving simultaneously diverse events in time.
I created this artwork during the spring season of 2022, and my forms were in-formed by watching the butterflies in the fields and contemplating the processes of metamorphosis in analogy to ideas of existentialism, psychology, history, and science.